Support Coordination Services

Support Coordination Services

We offer a variety of services to support individuals in difficult situations. We provide bail assistance and support coordination to help individuals achieve their goals and maximize their well-being.

Our emergency youth placement support services are designed to provide short-term and emergency accommodation for young people aged 16-17 who are vulnerable, disadvantaged, homeless, or at risk of disadvantage and homelessness.

We offer supported accommodation for up to 3 months, assessment, advocacy, referral, support, social/living skills education support, mediation, information, and crisis intervention.

Our 24-hour crisis service is flexible and can support young people through a range of service delivery methods, including case management, casework, and casual assistance.

We strive to build capacity in individuals with disabilities, mental health issues, or those in need of disability support. At Choice Care, we are committed to providing the best possible services to help individuals in difficult situations.